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Aberdeen Fire Department Receives New 3000 Gallon Tanker Thursday

Late Thursday afternoon Aberdeen Fire Department Operations Chief Alan Holmes had just completed a 1400-mile journey to bring Aberdeen's newest Fire truck home.

Tanker 426 arrives from its manufacturer Midwest Fire in Luverne Minnesota. Holmes flew to Minnesota and then drove the large truck almost 1400 miles over a couple day period before backing the truck into the bay for the first time.

The unit is equipped with a 3000 gallon water storage tank and a 1000 gallon per minute pump. The pump is capable of continuous pumping even while the truck is moving. This is useful in circumstances such as an outside fire where the vehicle is moving along a roadway or dirt drive allowing firefighters more diversity attacking a wildfire.

Your average Engine hauls 1000 gallons of water with the current average Tanker hauling 1500 gallons of water. This one truck now brings the same amount of water to a fire as 3 Engines or 2 conventional Tankers.

The Tanker is equipped with three 10" Newton Dump Valves that discharge water quickly at a fire scene. With one on the rear and one on each side allows for firefighters to approach the fire differently than a unit that only dumps from the rear.

Once completed Tanker 426 will be housed at Aberdeen Station 42 located, on NC Highway 211. This is the optimal location for the more rural areas served by the department.

Before being placed in service the new Tanker has to be outfitted with hose, ladders, and all of the other equipment needed to operate this unit at a variety of call types.

Members of the department who drive also each have to complete a short driver orientation with the vehicle.

The last step in the process is called an Acceptance Test where the vehicle pumps water for 2 hours to ensure that everything functions to standard.

Chief Phillip Richardson stated that he believes that they will have the vehicle in service over the coming weeks.

West End Fire & Rescue recently received a new 2000 gallon Tanker and Pinebluff Fire & Rescue recently fielded a 3000 gallon Tanker,


Billy Marts


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