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Arson Investigators Converge On SCC For Spring Conference

Over the last several days residents may have noticed emergency vehicles from across North Carolina at our hotels, restaurants and retail stores. 

The North Carolina Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI) is holding their Annual Spring Conference at Sandhills Community College this week.

There are over 170 investigators from private, municipal, county, state and federal agencies attending this conference that is dedicated to the highly specialized field of investigating fires. 

The International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI) is an international association of more than 10,000 fire investigation professionals.

The North Carolina Chapter of The International Association of Arson Investigators (NCIAAI) is one of more than 70 world-wide Chapters of the IAAI.

This year's conference in Southern Pines is being held Monday through Friday with each day covering different aspects of Arson investigation and the law. For example while we were visiting Wednesday participants were conducting a case study.

By utilizing the large facilities made possible with Foundation Hall at the college all 170+ participants can comfortably interact with the instructors in the same location without the feel of an auditorium like many places.

Sandhills Community College President Dr. Sandy Stewart stated "we are delighted to have NCIAAI on the Sandhills campus this week. Sandhills takes pride in hosting public safety personnel and training that serves our communities around the state. With our deep involvement and centralized location we are pleased to be the premier site for public safety training for the state."

This years event is the 45th annual conference. According to several members of the group they hope to return here to Moore County and Sandhills Community College again next year.




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