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Crossing US 1 To Become A Little Safer In Aberdeen

With the busy traffic on US Highway 1 in Aberdeen it can be hazardous for pedestrians and bicycle riders trying to cross the highway, but that is about to change in one area of town.

If you have driven through Aberdeen on US Highway 1 at night the past few weeks you saw workers diligently completing each step of building a new Crosswalk including lights in front of Aberdeen Lake.

Friday I met with Aberdeen Planning & Inspection Director John Terziu to learn more about this project.

Although initial ideas for this project actually began several years ago, it was only this past summer that things finally started moving forward with the NC Department Of Transportation who is building the Crosswalk.

Now almost complete the new Crosswalk features buttons on each side of the highway for pedestrians or bicycle riders to press to activate the Crosswalk.

In the center turn lane two concrete islands have been constructed to provide additional protection for those crossing the highway.

Over the years this area has seen numerous accidents involving pedestrians and bike riders trying to cross this busy highway. Hopefully, this new Crosswalk will change that as we see more and more people out for a walk or a bike ride and Aberdeen Lake continues to see more use.


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