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Cypress Pointe Tests New Thermal Imaging Cameras

Tuesday night a group from Cypress Pointe Fire & Rescue gathered at the Larry R Caddell Public Safety Training Center to test new models of thermal imaging cameras.

Firefighters use these cameras for a number of reasons, but one of the most important is allowing firefighters to see inside a smoke filled room that is pitch black allowing them to quickly locate and rescue downed victims. 

This is accomplished in situations that would otherwise require a slow search by firefighters on their hands and knees basically using only touch to locate a victim. 

Firefighters also use these cameras to be able to tell if there is hidden pockets of fire in walls, ceilings, and floors.

In preparation to purchase new thermal imaging cameras for the department, Cypress Pointe formed a committee to evaluate the different models currently available to determine which might best suit their needs.

The committee met at the training center to be able to test three cameras made by two different manufacturers under real life conditions that included heat and blinding smoke.

One only need look at the two pictures below to see the difference these cameras make. One view is with the naked eye where nothing is visible but a smoke filled room, whereas the second picture using the thermal camera in the same room clearly shows one victim on the floor approximately 10 feet away and a second child victim further inside approximately 20 feet from the firefighters. 

The assembled committee members each had a chance to use the different cameras and complete a score sheet on each one. This will allow the department to make a careful informed decision on purchasing based on performance of each unit.

According to Cypress Pointe Deputy Chief Jonathan Richardson the department hopes to complete evaluation of the units and place an order for the new cameras over the coming weeks.

These cameras have become another tool in the firefighters tool kit allowing them to do their job faster, better and safer. 




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