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Firefighters Help Save Life In Pinebluff Recently

Imagine being at work and a co-worker has a heart attack and falls to the floor. He is not breathing and does not have a pulse… what do you do now?

This scenario played out in real life not long ago at a manufacturing business in Pinebluff.

Thursday I met with Pinebluff Fire Chief Jonathan Richardson to talk more about that near tragic event.

On Tuesday April 23rd one moment everything was just like every other day, until suddenly it wasn't. 

An employee at a local manufacturing business was down and was not breathing. Co-workers immediately called 911, with the local fire department arriving approximately 3 minutes after being dispatched

Several members from Pinebluff Fire & Rescue reached the scene well ahead of EMS paramedics, but that did not stop firefighters from initiating life-saving treatment. 

After their arrival the firefighters started CPR and used an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) that delivered a shock to the patients heart. After being shocked just that one time the man's heart regained a rhythm. 

When paramedics arrived minutes later they contined providing an advanced life support level of care while transporting the patient to the hospital. 

The man was hospitalized in serious condition. Thankfully with great medical treatment and some time to heal the victim recovered.

It may be the exception rather than the rule, but on Wednesday May 1st this man in his 40's was discharged from the hospital to go home to his family and friends. The reason for this positive ending was early intervention by emergency providers and timely use of the AED according to Chief Richardson. 

With 10,000 cardic arrest in the workplace annually according to the American Heart Association, Automatic External Defibrillator's are becoming more common place in the public. They can now be found not just on emergency vehicles, but also in schools, churches, restaurants, manufacturing companies, retail stores, and other public places.

Today's AED's have been designed with the layperson in mind. Someone with minimal or no training can follow simple directions to utilize the AED and to save a life.

For businesses interested in perhaps adding one or more AED's to their facility, or to arrange CPR training for your team members we urge business owners and managers to contact your local fire department. They can help guide you through the process of obtaining the equipment and training your staff.

Todays story is a true story that highlights just one of the many lives saved on a regular basis by our local emergency responders in Moore County. Our multi-tier response system sees a number of different providers that may play a role in saving a life, or assisting someone seriously injured depending on where the incident occurs.

Telecomunicators, state troopers, sheriff's deputies, police officers, firefighters, paramedics, and aircare crews - real life heroes saving lives and making a difference right here at home every day.




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