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Making The Fireworks Go Bang

Everyone loves a good fireworks show, but most of us never think of what it takes to pull off such a grand event like this.

In the Town of Aberdeen, workers started today before noon on the back side of Aberdeen Lake carefully preparing each charge to be set off tonight.

They had to ensure that the launch tubes that were assembled Wednesday were set up correctly with each one aimed to achieve the desired direction and height. 

As it got closer to late afternoon the tempo picked up with all of the tubes loaded with the various fireworks ready for final inspection at 5:00 pm by the County Fire Marshals Office.

The staff that was overseeing things here tonight are trained and certified by the NC State Fire Marshals Office to be able to conduct a live fireworks show like this.

Local residents Richard Saunders and Alan Holmes are both certified in Outdoor Pyrotechnics Operations by the State of North Carolina and are working for Wetzel Pyro to produce the show tonight. The two also happen to be Assistant Fire Chiefs at Aberdeen Fire & Rescue.

Just after 9:00 pm, the fun began with the first round fired up into the air for the large crowd waiting in anticipation on the other side of the lake.

Workers used hand torches to ignite individual fireworks charges one fuse at a time, firing individual shots as well as working together to fire synchronized groups of shots to create the desired pattern or effect.

It was extremely loud where the rounds were being fired. Hard hats, hearing protection, eye protection, and specialized clothing were worn by everyone including this reporter while being within the launch area for safety. Even with ear protection, the rounds were mind-numbingly loud.

Tonight's show was without a doubt impressive to see both on the ground and in the air.

If the loud screams and cheers coming from the large crowd on the other side of the lake were any indicator it is safe to say that everyone in attendance enjoyed the show tonight as well.




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